JAKARTA - The State Electricity Company (PLN) is reportedly giving a discount of 30 percent for electric car owners who charge at home at night. With this discount, users can use it to charge electric vehicle batteries before using them the next day.

“Why at night, because of the experience of many countries, electric car owners charge the most at home. We provide stimulus to customers in the form of tariff discounts starting at 22.00 to 05.00", said Bob Saril as Director of Commerce and Management of PLN on Wednesday, September 22, 2021.

The discounted price for electric car owners is considered to support the PPnBM (Sales tax on luxury goods) scheme which provides benefits for low-emission vehicles. The new scheme is contained in Government Regulation No. 73 of 2019 which will be implemented on October 16, 2021.

In addition, the government has also revised some regulations which state that plug-in hybrid vehicles will receive PPnBM tariffs, while pure electric vehicles and fuel cells will remain at zero percent.

"With this government policy, it is hoped that it can encourage better electricity consumption growth, especially in the midst of the condition of PLN's large electricity reserves", said Bob.

On the other hand, PLN also said that charging electric vehicles resembles charging smartphones because users usually charge their cellphones at night to be used again the next day. That means, electricity supply only relies on installation at home.

Therefore, PLN encourages owners of electric vehicles to use home charging which can be connected directly to PLN Mobile to monitor charging directly and to find out the amount of the tariff.

Not only that, but PLN also provides additional power incentives for electric vehicle owners. They can add power up to 11,000 VA for IDR 150 thousand and 16,500 VA for IDR 450 thousand. This incentive is part of an effort to encourage people to switch to electric vehicles.

"This convenience will certainly encourage more people to switch to electric vehicles so that the ecosystem is growing", said Bob.

SPKLU Development Target of 31 Thousand Units

Currently, PLN already has 46 units of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) and has spread to 33 locations in Indonesia. Even though there are already several electric charging stations, PLN admits that it will continue to build more SPKLUs. PLN also opens up opportunities to attract the involvement of the private sector. Shortly, it is reported that PLN will soon release a special website for SPKLU franchise registration.

PLN itself targets the construction of 67 SPKLU units in various cities in Indonesia by the end of 2021. Meanwhile, the government's big plan targets as many as 572 SPKLU in 2021 and as many as 31 thousand in 2030.

"These steps are PLN's efforts to support the eco-friendly electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia", said Bob.

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