JAKARTA - Australia's Telecommunications Telstra outlined their plan on Thursday, September 16 which aims to expand 5G network coverage to 95 percent of the country's area by the end of 2025 and cut net costs of A$500 million (IDR 5.2 trillion).
According to company sources, the cost reductions under the new plan, dubbed T25, are on top of the A$2.7 billion that has been targeted under the current T22 strategy.
The plan is to start on July 1, 2022 and includes the potential rollout of a 6G network that is currently still in the experimental stage.
Telstra also said it was confident of maintaining a minimum of 16 Australian cents per share, a fully exposed dividend through T25.
The company, which split into three in November, sold a 49% stake in its cell tower business for $2.8 billion in July.
Telstra has been trying to restructure its operations as it faces persistent challenges to its fixed-line business from the launch of its state-owned broadband network.
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