YOGYAKARTA – Combining several video clips is an important part of the editing process. And now, thanks to the development of video editing technology, you can more easily do it via mobile.

Now there are various video editing applications available. Both the Android and iPhone versions of the application. And this time, the VOI team has summarized the easiest way to combine videos on iPhone. Want to know? Immediately see the explanation below.

Merge Video Clips Using the iMovie App

iMovie is a video editing application developed by Apple. Although the default application, iMovie is equipped with a number of features that will facilitate the process of merging two or more videos into one long video.

In addition, you can download this application for free! As for how to merge videos through iMovie, follow these steps:

Open the iMovie application, then tap the Create Project menu. In the New Project window, tap the Movie menu. Next, the application will open the Gallery window. Tap Media located in the top left corner, then tap the Video menu. Find the video clip you want to edit, then tap the video. After that, tap the icon to add it Finally, tap the Create Movie menu

Next, the video clips you insert will be combined into one long video. The company has also added various editing features. Starting from adjusting trim, cropping images, and much more.

Not only that, you can also add funny filters, audio, backgrounds, or even more video clips. The method is quite easy. Just tap on the '+' icon located in the top left corner of the screen.

This Apple-owned editing application can not only be used to edit videos. The company also added a feature to combine multiple photos at once.

Yes, you can make photo collages using the iMovie application. Easy enough, right?

Using iMovie, how to merge videos on iPhone can be easier. Without the need for additional applications which of course will drain your resources and storage.

So, jump right into iMovie based on the steps above.

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