JAKARTA – Digital technology innovation continues to be developed in helping tourism development. As has been done by the Banyuasin Regency Government, South Sumatra, which began using the Genta Innovative Comfortable and Gempita Nature Tourism (Giwang) application to develop the tourism sector.
Banyuasin Regent Askolani has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the South Sumatra Province Culture and Tourism Office in Pangkalan Balai, Tuesday, August 3.
He said the application of this technology felt very appropriate, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, its utilization must be synergized with the private sector so that there is an acceleration in the development of the tourism sector.
Currently, Banyuasin is working on ecotourism on Pulau Ekor Tikus by inviting domestic and foreign investors to invest.
This group of islands, one of which is a rat-tailed island, is very worthy of being an ecotourism destination, namely eco-friendly tourism activities.
The advantages include the strategic location because it is in the Breech-Sembilang area so that tourists can go through the Musi River route to Breech or from TAA Port. In addition, the nature is very unique because it is part of the brackish river ecosystem.
In this district, there is also the Berbak Sembilang National Park covering an area of 205.750 hectares which is always visited by migratory birds from Siberia in October. This moment is often not wasted by tourists by capturing the potential for riverside tourism.
According to him, the development of the tourism sector is one of the district's focuses in the short and medium-term.
Askolani also invites stakeholders to take advantage of the Giwang application. "We hope this will be an era of revival of tourism in South Sumatra", he said.
Deputy for Tourism Products and Activities (Events) Kemenparekraf Rizki Handayani Mustafa virtually said this application was the right means to continue to promote the area in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"In the midst of this pandemic, the tourism sector is very depressed, so innovation from the region is needed to continue to exist. What South Sumatra has done is worthy of being followed by other regions", he said.
Tourists can get information about South Sumatra in real-time with this Giwang travel application, as well as destination locations, hotels, means of transportation, and others.
Through this effort, it is hoped that South Sumatra tourism will increase and be able to become a 'leading' sector.
South Sumatra Governor Herman Deru said all relevant parties must ensure that the information presented through this application is in accordance with the facts on the ground.
The various features presented must also include up-to-date information so that potential entrants can make the right decisions when choosing hotels or inns, tourist destinations to modes of transportation.
“Don't let those (potential tourists) who have downloaded it, be disappointed after actually coming to South Sumatra. This means that all relevant parties must be responsible so that the South Sumatra tourism sector can progress", he said.
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