YOGYAKARTA – Feedback from users or customers, event registration, surveys, exam questions, and much more. There are many reasons that compel us to create and submit online forms.

We are fortunate that we currently live in an age of technological convenience. Various matters can be resolved online. No exception if you want to send a survey or registration form.

Now, there are a number of platforms that offer this service. In fact, each platform has been designed with a view that makes it easy for novice users. So, you no longer need to rely on external applications.

Then, what are the platform options for creating online forms? Based on the results of the VOI team's search, here are some platforms that you can take advantage of:

Google Forms

In the first place, of course Google's platform. Perhaps, not a few of the readers have used this platform. Whether it is sent to customers as a form of feedback, filled with questions that students or students can fill out while studying at home, and many other reasons.

Whether you're a familiar user with Google services, or a completely newbie. You will find it easy to create online forms when using Google Forms.

Not only that, there are also various choices of form templates. Such as event invitation forms, event registration, RSVP, questionnaires, and much more.

Alternatively, there is also an option where you can create a form from scratch.

HubSpot Free Online Form Builder

In the world of marketing, HubSpot is known as a company that provides market research tools. But, that's not the only service owned by this company based in the United States.

HubSpot also provides an online form creation service. Using a drag-and-drop mechanism, creating online forms via HubSpot is so much easier. And all you need is a list of questions to fill in the form fields.

The company provides more than 1,000 types of forms, with dozens of types of personalization for each form. Such as dropdown menus, options, checkboxes, and much more.


For business people who want to make their forms look more professional and elegant, the Growform platform is the right choice. The company provides more than 20 form templates specially designed for business and industry.

Each template is also specially designed to increase the coversion rate. That way, you don't have to go through the hassle of designing forms for sales performance. Growform will do it.

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