JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) today began to build the first Earth Station for the Republic of Indonesia Raya Satellite or SATRIA-1 in the PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN) area, Cikarang, Bekasi Regency. The construction was also marked by the laying of the first stone or groundbreaking.
SATRIA-1 is planned to have 11 Earth stations in several other locations spread across Indonesia, including Batam, Cikarang, Banjarmasin, Tarakan, Pontianak, Kupang, Ambon, Manado, Manokwari, Timika and Jayapura.
"Through this digital control station, the government can control and supervise the movement of the SATRIA-1 Satellite, carry out network management to comply with service stability standards, and become a means of data communication between the SATRIA-1 Satellite and Earth", said Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G Plate at a ground event. breaking SATRIA-1 which was held virtually, Wednesday, August 18.
Johnny stated that Cikarang will be the location for the Primary Satellite Control Center Station, Network Operation Control, and Gateway for the SATRIA Project which is an integral part of the project.
SNT is currently in the process of land acquisition for all Earth stations which are located in 11 parallel locations.
According to Johnny, satellite technology is one of the suitable technology options to be adopted, in order to pursue connectivity, especially covering signal blank spot areas because terrestrial internet access technology is difficult to reach. The SATRIA-1 satellite is expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2023.
"Indonesia's geographical condition which consists of thousands of islands with various challenges in providing terrestrial networks is one of the considerations in the choice of satellite technology, this is a telecommunications solution in a joint effort to reduce the gap in broadband internet access to bridge the digital divide, especially in disadvantaged, leading, and the outermost (3T)”, said Johnny.
As explained by the President Director of the Information and Telecommunications Accessibility Agency (BAKTI), Anang Latif, SATRIA-1 will be able to provide speeds of approximately 5 Mbps per location point.
"This capacity for the initial stage will be sufficient to serve the internet access needed by 150 thousand public service points, spread over 93.900 school and Islamic boarding schools, 47.900 points in regional, sub-district and village governments, 3.900 police and military stations in the 3T region, 3.700 health centers and hospitals, and 600 other public service points", said Anang.
Some time ago Anang also said that the Satria-1 satellite is currently under construction in France, where it will take about 36 months to produce. Later, the satellite will be launched using a Falcon 9-5500 rocket produced by Elon Musk's SpaceX.
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