JAKARTA – A digital artist, Dries Depoorter, has created software that can detect MPs playing on their cellphones during a meeting.

Depoorter designed an AI bot called “The Flemish Scrollers” using facial recognition. This is intended to be able to summon politicians in the Belgian Flemish province who 'hobby' to play cell phones during meetings.

Launching Mashable, the project was created after the Head of the Flemish Government, Jan Jambon drew public anger for playing the game Angry Birds during policy discussions.

The AI bot was released on Monday 5 July. The system in the device is able to monitor government meeting events live on YouTube to detect how long the representatives of the people have been playing on their phones in the middle of the meeting.

If the AI manages to detect officials playing on their phones during a meeting, the bot will automatically post video clips on the social media account Instagram @TheFlemishScrollers, as well as on Twitter @FlemishScroller.

In addition, the AI bot will mention the accounts of related officials. This is considered to be embarrassing for them. But the AI bot also politely rebuked in the caption with the words “Please stay focused.”

According to the official Depoorter website, the AI bot will analyze a number of archived meeting video recordings for continuous detection. However, it is not clear whether the AI bot also analyzes the meetings that have taken place or not.

The Flemish Scrollers had aired within 24 hours and immediately killed four MPs playing on mobile phones. On the Instagram account @TheFlemishScrollers, the four politicians have already been posted on the account. This sparked a debate among local netizens.

The device has helped to keep track of politicians who neglect their responsibilities. But the new AI bot is being used in the Flemish province of Belgium. It is not yet known whether the device will be mass-produced or not. Of course, it would be very interesting if AI bots were implemented in the DPR RI.

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