JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PDIP faction TB Hasanuddin there are a number of discussions that are being held regarding the revision of the TNI Law. Among other things, the addition of tasks for non-war military operations to overcome drug problems to cyber defense.

It is known that Commission I of the DPR and the government again held a consignment meeting of the Working Committee (Panja) for the Revision of the TNI Law at the Fairmount Hotel, Central Jakarta, today, Saturday, March 15. This activity has been carried out since Friday, March 14 which lasts until 22.00 WIB.

"So from 14 (military operations other than war, ed) changed to 17. It was a long time (discussed, ed) and then it was agreed that the 17 narratives were changed," Hasanuddin told reporters at the Fairmont Hotel, Central Jakarta, Saturday, March 15.

"17 is the point, one, the 15th is the TNI has an obligation to assist in cyber affairs, cyber defense, especially cyberspace in the government. Then the second is dealing with drug problems and then the other. So there are three," he continued.

However, drug management matters will later be regulated by Presidential Regulation.

"Where is the assistance made by the TNI, the assistance to the government and then where is the legal realm and so on. But, what is clear is that the TNI does not participate in law enforcement," said TB Hasanuddin.

For information, the revision of the TNI Law invited polemics because it was feared that it would revive ABRI's dyafunction. There are a number of proposed changes in the DIM Revision of the TNI Law from the government, including the expansion of the placement of active TNI soldiers in 15 ministries and institutions.

Even though it has been expanded, the government proposes TNI soldiers to occupy civilian positions outside 15 ministries and institutions. However, on condition that you have to retire early.

Then, this revision aims to determine the increase in the age of service for soldiers up to 58 years for non-commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Meanwhile, the official service period for officers can reach the age of 60 years.

In addition, there is a possibility that the official term will be extended to 65 years for soldiers who occupy functional positions. As for the 4-star high-ranking officers, the retirement period is in accordance with the president's discretion.

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