JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (JSMR) will impose a 20 percent toll rate discount of up to eight days during the 2025 Eid homecoming and return flow.
This toll tariff discount will be applied to toll roads managed by Jasa Marga Group, namely the Integration of the Jakarta "Cikampek Toll Road & MBZ Flyover, Palimanan 'Kanci Toll Road, Batang' Semarang Toll Road and Semarang Toll Road ABC Section.
Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication and Community Development Group Head Lisye Octaviana said this tariff cut would apply to road users who travel continuously.
Lisye explained that a 20 percent discount will be applied for eight days in two periods. For four days on the homecoming flow starting from March 24, 2025 at 05.00 WIB to March 28, 2025 at 05.00 WIB for road users from GT Cikampek Utama to GT Kalikangkung
Meanwhile, for four days on the backflow, a 20 percent discount is given to road users who travel from GT Kalikangkung to GT Cikampek Utama.
Meanwhile, the 20 percent toll rate cut applied only to the Jasa Marga Group toll road is valid on March 26, 2025 at 05.00 WIB until March 28, 2025 at 05.00 WIB for continuous travel rates for homecoming from Jakarta (original Cikampek Utama GT) to Semarang (Kalikangkung GT destination).
The 20 percent toll rate discount applied to Jasa Marga Group and Non-Jasa Marga Group (Cikopo 'Palimanan, Kanci' Pejagan, Pejagan' Pemalang, Pemalang'Batang) toll roads is valid on March 24, 2025 at 05.00 WIB until March 26, 2025 at 05.00 WIB for continuous travel rates for homecoming from Jakarta (original Cikampek Utama GT) to Semarang (Kilangkung GT destination).
"This tariff discount will only apply if road users make transactions with sufficient electronic money card balances as well as data on the origin and class of vehicles," Lisye said in her official statement, Saturday, March 15.
According to Lisye, this 20 percent toll rate cut is a tangible manifestation of the company's commitment to always innovate in providing the best service in accordance with the principles of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG).
He considered that this initiative not only provided economic benefits directly through the provision of tariff cuts, but also played a strategic role in reducing the potential for congestion on the Trans Java Toll Road by distributing the flow of vehicles more evenly.
"This step is expected to create a travel ecosystem more efficient and secure and support smooth mobility on the Trans Java Toll Road," he said.
Jasa Marga again urges road users to rearrange travel time by avoiding travel at the predicted time to peak homecoming and return and use the implementation of the tariff discount as much as possible.
Road users can also download and use the Travoy application to see tariffs and real-time CCTV on toll roads managed by Jasa Marga.
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