JAKARTA - North Maluku coach Imran Nahumarury stated that he did not prohibit his players from participating in inter-village matches (tarkam) during the competition holidays.

"If there are players who want to participate in the tarkam match, it doesn't matter, because to maintain body fitness during the holiday period," said Imran in Ternate on Sunday, March 16, which was confiscated by Antara.

Imran's statement was delivered regarding the Gurabai Cup tournament which will be held after Lebaran 2025.

Moreover, a number of players from Ternate have the desire to appear in a prestigious tournament for the City of Surabati, Tidore Islands.

"Sometimes there are players who call me to be able to play during the match between tarkam and it is returned to all players who want to participate in the tarkam or not," said Imran.

Imran stated that the club has a holiday program and will re-test the fitness level of players in Yogyakarta later.

"But I'm sure all the players are very professional and have entered the top five, if they are careless, then other teams will pass," said Imran.

"You have to maintain your condition, don't talk about being defeated, North Maluku must be able to win every match," he said.

North Maluku captain, United Safruddin Tahar, said players would communicate with Imran before being allowed to join the tarkam.

"Di libur ini kita bukan hanya libur tapi kita punya individual training masing-masing," ucap Safruddin.

Safruddin then mentioned the Gurabati Open which he might have participated in, but still with Imran's knowledge.

"I really intend to play in tarkam during the holiday period, but even if a number of teams invite me, of course I have to ask permission from coach Imran," said Safrudin, who is originally the City of Ternate.

In the last nine matches, North Maluku United won six matches, while the other three ended in a draw. This team has never lost in those nine matches.

Finally, they beat Persita Tangerang at their home at the Gelora Kieraha Stadium, Ternate, on Wednesday night this week.

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