JAKARTA – The Israeli and Palestinian conflicts are heating up. Especially after a number of Israeli troops took over the homes of Palestinians at the end of Ramadan.

They also reportedly forcibly dispersed tarawih worship activities at the Al-Aqsa mosque. As a result, Israel was bombarded with rockets from Hamas and a number of other groups, cited from Russia Today.

A total of 2.000 missiles have been fired at Israel since Monday, May 10. Of these rockets, about 90 percent were capable of being countered by an Israeli defense system called the Iron Dome.

The Iron Dome was able to protect Israel's attacks from a hail of missiles that threatened key areas such as Tel Aviv. Iron Dome is an air defense system to destroy missile attacks in the air made by Rafael Advanced Defence.

Mekanisme Iron Dome anti rudal Israel (BBC)

Israel installed the Iron Dome after the incident in 2006 when they fought with Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. At that time, Israel was bombarded with thousands of missiles, causing massive damage and killing dozens of people.

In the aftermath of the incident, Israel developed a new defense system to ward off missile attacks now called the Iron Dome. The missile antidote technology was developed by Rafael Advanced Defence System in partnership with Israel Aerospace Industries. The United States gave its support to the development of the Iron Dome.

The missile defense system began operations in 2011. Iron Dome is an anti-missile defense system that is claimed to be the most advanced anti-missile system ever.

The Iron Dome uses radar to identify missile strikes to then be destroyed in mid-air before causing damage on land. The defense system is specifically designed to anticipate short-range missile attacks.

However, some have questioned the costly development of the Iron Dome. However, according to the manufacturer of the developer, Iron Dome is cost-effective. Because the technology used has the ability to distinguish missile attacks that will destroy vital areas or not.

Static units will release deterrent missiles to fire anything claimed to be dangerous. Currently, Israel has 10 Iron Domes scattered throughout the country. Each is capable of 3 to four launchers to destroy missile attacks.

If there is no Iron Dome, it is likely that more victims will fall and vital areas will also be massively destroyed. The Israeli military said the Iron Dome was the lifesaver of many people.

"The number of Israelis killed and injured would be much higher if it were not for the Iron Dome system that has become the usual lifesaver", Said Jonathan Conricus of the Israeli military, quoted by the BBC.

On Sunday, May 16, as fighting heated up in the Gaza Strip, some 188 Palestinians were killed, while Israelis took only 10 casualties.

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