JAKARTA - Apple's dispute with Epic Games Inc. is still continuing in court in California, United States (US). It is believed, the actions of the Fortnite game developer will have an impact on the world of mobile technology industry.

Launching from CNET, Monday, May 3, Epic Games has a goal to break the grip of the cellphone manufacturer in its online market. Apple itself is known to have come under a lot of pressure from various app makers over its strict App Store controls.

According to critics, the App Store policy is a monopolistic behavior that will harm app and game developers.

During the trial, the two companies will debate whether Apple has the right to establish ground rules, control the payment system, and remove apps from the App Store that fail to comply.

In addition, there is also at stake is Apple's share of revenue from the App Store as much as 30 percent. Apple believes its commission is an industry norm, and is fair compensation to provide developers with a global storefront and keep it safe.

Furthermore, Epic Games is not alone in its criticism. The European Union recently officially accused Apple of unfairly suppressing its music streaming rivals based on a complaint filed by Spotify, and claimed Apple established rules in favor of its own Apple Music.

Coalition for App Justice recently formed, including Spotify and Epic Games. They are calling on Apple to open up its market, claiming its commission is a tax on its rivals.

Previously reported, this dispute started when Apple boycotted Fortnite from the App Store last year after Epic Games released an update that avoided sharing revenue with the cellphone manufacturer.

Apple doesn't allow users of its popular devices to download apps from anywhere except the App Store, and developers have to use Apple's payment system which cuts up to 30 percent of revenue.

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