User Consequences For Not Agreeing To WhatsApp's New Privacy Rules
WhatsApp illustration (unsplash)

JAKARTA - WhatsApp will soon enforce new privacy rules, to be precise on May 15. Users who do not agree to these rules have the potential to be unable to access the WhatsApp service.

"In order for you to have enough time to get used to the changes at your own pace, we have extended the application deadline to May 15. If you haven't received it until now, WhatsApp will not delete your account," WhatsApp said, as quoted by TechCrunch, Tuesday. , April 20.

As a consequence, users can no longer send and read messages that enter their application using WhatsApp business. However, users can still receive phone calls and receive notifications when messages arrive.

For users who don't want to accept the new policy, WhatsApp will categorize the account as inactive for 120 days. The account is called inactive if the user is not connected to the internet, before being deleted.

Quoted by the official WhatsApp site, as long as the account is inactive, users are still allowed to export chat history before being deleted. Whatsapp warns that the request is made on its own request and cannot be canceled.

"Before May 15, 2021, you can export chat history on Android or iPhone, and download your account report. If you want to delete your account on Android, iPhone, or KaiOS, we hope you reconsider," said WhatsApp.

Previously reported, this new privacy rule allows the WhatsApp service to exchange user data with Facebook. As a result of this policy and privacy update, millions of users migrate to other human messaging services, such as Telegram and Signal.

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