JAKARTA Google Search does not only provide information to its users because this search engine can also be entertaining. There are many hidden features in Search known as Easter Egg.

Recently, Google added an Easter Egg entitled Block Breaker. If searched in a browser that uses Google Search as a default search engine, users will see a simple card game similar to Atari's Breakout game.

On the starting view, Search users will only see thumbnails and Play buttons at the bottom. When taped, Google will display four back rows of different colors. There are blue, red, yellow, and green colors.

At the bottom, users will see oars that need to be moved to reflect the ball. At the early stages, the blocks will be easily broken, but gradually it will be more difficult. Players have only three lives at the start.

The score and the number of lives will be visible at the top of the screen. During the game, the sound will be turned off by default. However, if users want to deepen their game more, they can tap the volume button to activate the sound effect.

Block Breaker isn't the only game accessible on Google Search. There are many Easter Egg games that users can play, from quizzes around Earth to games that train memory. Here are some games on Google Search.

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