JAKARTA YouTube is one of the features that Google often updates, especially Premium YouTube users. There are many features that have been rolled out to YouTube Premium in recent months.
The first feature is Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode for YouTube Shorts which is currently only available on iOS devices. This feature is almost similar to a long-formed video. When a user accesses another app, the Shorts display will still be visible on the screen.
There is also a Premium YouTube collaboration with Google One Premium. When users subscribe to cloud storage services with a capacity of 2TB, they can get additional services in the form of YouTube Premium which is ad-free.
The next ability that might be useful for some users is Tanya Musik. Users can create a dedicated radio station through a desired music description. For now, the Tanya Musik feature is still limited in some countries.
Reportedly, Tanya Musik will be released on Android devices for British and Irish residents in the near future. This Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based feature is also available for iOS. Users can apply for the desired music without turning off the music that is currently playing.
Next, there is the Jump Ahead feature to see what can be tried and high-quality audio with 256kbps for music videos. With this support, the audio quality becomes clearer and feels stronger.
All these features may not be felt on the Android device you are using. Keep in mind that all these features are still rolling out in stages. Fortunately, there are still interesting features that you can access on YouTube Premium.
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