YOGYAKARTA How to turn YouTube videos into text includes skills that content creators, researchers or anyone who wants to convert videos into text.

This skill is very useful, either for transcription, translation, or just to provide readable content.

In addition, the ability to convert YouTube videos into text can also make it easier for you to understand video content, find certain keywords in videos, to translate video captions.

So, how do you convert YouTube videos into text? To convert YouTube videos into text, you can do it through a third-party built-in feature or application, such as Taqtiq and Anthiago.

For more details, see the reviews below, as compiled by VOI from various sources, Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

The following is how to convert YouTube videos into text with the platform's built-in transcript feature:

For information, the transcription created by YouTube's built-in feature may not be 100 percent perfect, especially if there is an unclear word pronunciation.

YouTube also doesn't provide a download feature, but users can easily copy the displayed transcript.

The following tutorial turns YouTube videos into text via the Tactiq application:

The transcription produced by the Tactiq app is more accurate than the YouTube built-in feature. In addition, this application also provides a summary feature of talks or summary by utilizing AI technology.

Anthiago is a web-based application that provides transcription services of various types of videos.

To convert YouTube videos into text with the Anthiago app, follow the following steps:

That's the information on how to turn YouTube videos into text. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)