JAKARTA When you want to leave the TikTok app or even switch to a new account, the videos you've created will be very important content. Before it goes away, you may want to save it.
Basically, TikTok videos won't be lost if they're not deleted. However, in some cases, videos could be lost if your account experiences problems or even your country blocks TikTok, as happened in the United States recently.
To avoid this possibility, you should download videos that you have uploaded on TikTok and store them in your phone gallery or data storage platform. Here's how to download the video easily.
After that, you will see the percentage of storage on the screen. If it's 100 percent, the percentage view will disappear and you can see videos in the gallery app. However, keep in mind that the above stages only work on mobile apps.
If you are a TikTok user on a website, you can download the video via computer. This is the best way to save an entire video without fear of eating memory excessively because the computer's capacity is much greater.
To download TikTok videos on the website, you just need to open a browser and enter your TikTok account first. After that, follow the following stages.
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