JAKARTA WhatsApp launched a new feature in beta for Android devices. This update includes features that can simplify group chats and community creation.

Currently, if WhatsApp users want to create a community, they must open a Community tab. However, based on WABetaInfo's findings, the ability to create this new community will be moved to the Chat tab.

When opening the Community tab, some beta testers will see banners that will guide them to create new communities. The banner reads, "Tick Chat to create new communities, new groups, and more."

With the presence of this banner, the button to make the community at the top has also disappeared. Apparently, WhatsApp wants to concentrate all chat room creation tools in the same place to avoid confusion.

Users no longer need to switch tabs just to create groups or communities because in the upcoming update, the creation button will be in one place. This update will also provide a more integrated experience.

The Community Tab will look cleaner later. Users will only see the community where they join, along with chat rooms and announcement rooms in each community. This look looks much better because it is free from additional interface elements.

To see this change, WhatsApp beta users can update their application via the Google Play Store. In the next few weeks, this change will be released in a stable version. It is not yet known whether this change will also be applied on WhatsApp iOS.

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