JAKARTA - The financing company PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) launched a consumer service application called BFI Mobile. This application is the company's response to digitalization in the financing industry.

BFI Mobile is officially introduced to a wide audience through the iOS and Android-based mobile phone operating system as a service that offers convenience, security, and comfort in hand.

"We hope that BFI Cars will become loyal friends who are always present at any time and anywhere for all customers," said Rudy Eddywidjaja, Deputy Business Director of BFI Finance in a written statement received on Monday, December 30.

For now, BFI Mobile provides key features that are integrated with the financing submission channel, calculation of installment estimation and maximum loan value, monitoring of submission status, installment calculators, and checking bill information to consumers who already have contracts in BFI Finance.

The financing products contained in the BFI Mobile application are cash fund loans with BPKB guarantees and home certificates, financing for used car loans and ownership of token houses (KPR), as well as sharia financing for various needs (purchase of used cars, goods and services, multipurposes, and Umrah).

Because this is still the initial stage, Rudy emphasized that they will continue to expand other features into the application over time.

"The development of BFI Mobile will continue to be carried out in stages to enrich the features so that they are more effective and make it easier for users from all walks of life," he concluded.

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