JAKARTA Not everyone needs Google Assistant in their daily activities. In fact, for some people, this feature can be very disturbing because it often appears accidentally.
If you feel that Google Assistant is not very important, Google provides the option to disable its features. Here's how to permanently turn off the feature for phone users with an Android system.
1. Open the Google.2. Tap the profile picture in the upper right corner.3. Tap Settings in the window that appears. 4. Find and open the Google Assistant.5 menu. Scroll the screen and tap the General menu.6. Turn off the Google Assistant button.
After following these stages, you will not be able to activate Google Assistant on purpose or unintentionally. To reactivate the feature, you can do the same stage and turn on the Google Assistant button.
If you just want to disable the 'Hey Google' voice command, you just need to open the Google app and click on the profile icon to open Settings.
In the Google Assistant menu, select the Hai Google & Voice Match menu, then click toggle button Hai Google into a dead position. Your device will not be able to enable Google Assistant with the word 'Hi Google' anymore.
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