JAKARTA - Studio GSC Game World has released a new trailer for STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, which announced that the game has reached gold status or has been completed.
STALKER 2: The Heart of Chornobyl is a sequel to the award-winning PC game franchise, which is designed to provide a unique survival action experience in the post-apocalyptic Chornobyl Exclusion Zone.
Playing as the main character, your job is to decide the fate of the Zone, which is full of dangerous mutants, warring factions, deadly anomalies, and valuable artifacts.
Meet members of various factions and decide which of them deserves to be your friends and who deserves the bullets.
'Reveal your own epic story as you go to Chornobyl Heart. Make your choices wisely, because those choices will determine your fate in the end,' wrote the developer in his game caption.
STALKER 2: The Heart of Chornobyl will launch on November 20 for Xbox Series X/S and PC. The game will also be available for Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass.
Requirements for the recommended system before downloading the game:
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