JAKARTA - A recent survey from the Android Authority revealed that 82% of its readers want back to the unlimited photo backup feature on their phones. This is certainly interesting because there used to be this feature.
The feature, which had appeared in the early Pixel series, was very popular with users, as acknowledged by Hadlee Simons, who appreciated the freedom to take photos without worrying about full storage space. Unfortunately, Google stopped the feature on the Pixel 6 of 2021.
With the latest developments on Pixels that present advanced camera capabilities and AI features, the absence of an unlimited backup option has left many users feeling lost. Some even argue that Google should return the feature as added value for their products, especially to compete in increasingly tight markets.
As many as 82% of survey respondents said they were willing to buy devices that offer unlimited photo backups for free. Only 15% said that their decision depends on the model and price of the phone, while another 3% feel the current cloud storage is sufficient for their needs.
One reader commented, "I'd rather exchange Pixel's free VPN access with unlimited photo storage." Another reader suggested that Google offer an unlimited storage option, for example at an additional price of around 20 dollars per year.
Based on a survey that has gained more than 10,000 votes, there is a great opportunity for Google and other Android manufacturers to offer back an unlimited photo backup feature as a competitive advantage.
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