JAKARTA - Google presents five new protection features in Google Message to keep users safe from various forms of cyber threats that can happen to anyone.

First, Google launched an upgrade of the fraud detection tool with a better analysis of fraudulent text, starting with a focus on package submissions and work search messages.

So, when Google Messages suspects a potential scam text, Google Messages will automatically move messages to a spam folder or warn you. This feature is launched for beta Google Messages users who enable spam protection.

Furthermore, Google launched a warning tool if there was a suspicious link and immediately blocked it. This feature has been released in India, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. And Google is in the process of expanding this feature globally later this year.

Furthermore, Google also brings in controls to disable messages from unknown international numbers, which will automatically move the messages to the folder "Spam & blocked." This feature was first tested in Singapore and is expected to be extended to other countries.

Fourth, Google introduced Sensitive Content Warning, which will blur images potentially contain nudity before seeing, as well as give users the option to view or prevent sending the image.

Finally, another feature that will be available is contact verification, which allows users to verify the contact public key to ensure secure communication. This feature will support various messaging apps, including Google Messages, and will be released next year for Android 9+ devices.

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