JAKARTA - Apple recently released a COVID-19 virus screening application. This application offers information to its users regarding the symptoms of the corona virus, either to check with a doctor or simply to quarantine and maintain distance from their social activities. '

This application is already available on the App Store and can be accessed online. IPhone users can access it by asking the Siri personal assistant app, 'How do I know if I have the coronavirus?'

Later, this application will automatically provide answers that have been summarized with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the White House. Furthermore, this application will ask a number of other questions starting from user symptoms, when was the last trip, until finally identifying what next action will be taken regarding COVID-19.

"The screening tool does not replace instructions from health care providers or guidance from state and local health authorities," Apple said in its official statement as quoted by Business Today.

The COVID-19 app is one of the first products to be widely released as a result of the federal government's efforts to leverage the reach of large technology companies to combat the spread of the coronavirus. It also includes prompt medical action if you need emergency assistance from 911.

Apple guarantees that this application does not involve any data collection, especially for those who are concerned about the security of personal data. Because this application does not ask users to input Apple ID or information other than COVID-19.

“To help improve the site, Apple is gathering some information about how you use it. The information collected will not identify you personally. It also doesn't ask for location access, so the app won't give you local recommendations, "explained Apple.

Screenshot of Apple's (Apple) COVID-19 app

Not only screening, this application also functions to answer frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 disease with official information from the CDC. The same information will be available on THIS website, which users of Windows PCs, Android phones and other non-Apple devices can access.

Previously, Apple has also updated a feature on Siri that can provide information on questions about COVID-19. It can even detect whether the user has the virus disease. Information is obtained through the CDC and other verified sources.

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