JAKARTA - Tap-to-earn type games aka tapping-tap to produce crypto coins have become a new phenomenon lately, especially with the presence of mini-apps on Telegram attracting more than 300 million players. This time, an innovative Solana-based project, SonicX, emerged, entering the tap-to-earn arena by launching a game that can be accessed directly through the popular social media application among Generation Z, TikTok.

Sonic SVM, a layer-2 blockchain built on Solana, has the ambition to make SonicX a "Notcoin" on TikTok as reported by Decrypt. Through a collaboration with content creators, Sonic SVM will run an ad that directs users to access games directly in the TikTok app. With a feature that allows users to open a web page within TikTok's default browser, players can easily start the game using their social media logins.

Like the tap-to-earn game in general, SonicX offers a simple but addictive game mechanism. Players will tap on the screen to collect rings, buy improvements for passive progress, and invite friends to compete. While there is currently no official confirmation, the players hope is that there will be a future airdrop token that can add to the appeal of this game.

Interestingly, every tap in the SonicX game will be recorded as an on-chain transaction, giving the advantage in terms of transparency and tracking in the blockchain world. A similar phenomenon has occurred in a game called Tapos on the Aptos network, which records more than 115 million transactions in one day with 63,000 players. This highlights the potential of SonicX to attract attention in the world of crypto games.

Reported by Crypto News, although SonicX's appearance was inspired by the classic character Sonic The Hedgehog, developers emphasize that there is no official affiliation with gaming company Sega. With this innovative approach, SonicX is expected to change the way people interact with blockchain-based games and strengthen Solana's position in the digital gaming ecosystem.

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