JAKARTA Roskomnadzor, a communications regulator in Russia, ordered Discord to remove nearly a thousand posts deemed illegal from the platform, such as pornography to the promotion of illegal drugs.

TASS, Russia's largest news agency, reported that Roskomnadzor demanded 947 material to be removed. In addition to pornographic content against children, this material includes, "the call for extremism and involvement of minors in illegal activities."

There is also material in the form of calls or calls for suicide, propaganda against the LGBT community, to pro-drug content. Hundreds of these contents need to be removed so that Discord users in Russia are not moved to take bad actions.

Before this order was issued, Roskomnadzor was active in monitoring foreign technology platforms operating in the country. Over the years, Russia has always ordered the removal of content and provided relatively small fines.

This fine will be given regularly if the company fails to comply with Roskomnadzor's demands. Discord is one of the technology companies deemed to have committed a violation. This platform is considered to have failed in removing prohibited material so that it was fined US$37,493 (Rp569 million).

In addition to fines, Russia plans to limit access to Discord within days due to violations by the platform. This ruling was made directly by Roskomnadzor in early September.

Apparently, these restrictions have been carried out quietly over the past few times as a number of users in Russia began to complain about access issues to Discord. Not a few users in Russia have stated that they should use the VPN.

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