JAKARTA TikTok, a vertical social media platform, continues to support creators in creating inspiring content. According to TikTok, all creators of various ages can compete creatively.

At the event entitled TikTok's fun, the company invited three creators from across generations to prove that creators from different age ranges can still work. The three invited creators came from the generation of baby boomers, millennials, and X.

Captain Hanafi Herlim, who is familiarly called Capt Hans, is a former pilot with more than 40 years of experience. The 65-year-old creator was first recognized when his last flight video went viral with more than 2.9 million likes.

During his time as a creator, Capt Hans focused on discussing issues or information about aviation. During his time as a creator, Hans has never targeted his audience for a specific generation, but the audience is in the age range of 25 to 40.

"I'm not targeting the audience. Anyway, anyone who wants to learn or get information about the flight is okay. So I've never focused (contents for certain audiences)," Hans told VOI.

As a creator of the baby boomer generation, Hans realizes that the features on TikTok are very diverse and easy to use. If Hans is experiencing difficulties in terms of using the platform, Hans will be assisted by a family that understands better about TikTok.

Meanwhile, Liminah Tarto creator or familiarly known as Ayen Boentoro actively shares information about health on TikTok. Ayen often takes advantage of the LIVE broadcast feature or short video to encourage viewers to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Despite coming from the millennial generation aged 54 years, Ayen had no trouble using the TikTok platform. Ayen admits that he created and executed the idea without anyone's help because TikTok is easy to use everyday.

"The challenge must be there, if I put more emphasis on what I can control. Whether the video I like will be FYP or not, that's what I can't control," Ayen said when asked by VOI. "Don't worry (with the content) after that."

Finally, there is Tjokro Wimantara with Pak Win's nickname. This creator comes from generation X and gets ideas from various things, ranging from homemade ideas, family, friends, to followers who often share what happened.

Mr. Win revealed that he managed to find an interesting pattern of content within six months. However, according to Mr. Win, this time is still very short because some creators need to read patterns for more than a year.

By presenting these three creators, TikTok wants to convince all its users that the platform can be used easily by anyone because the features are very supportive. Users can also be creators at any time without being late.

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