Humans Will Argue With IBM's AI
IBM will launch AI that can argue with humans (Research IBM)

JAKARTA - International Business Machines (IBM) is designing an artificial intelligence (AI) that can challenge humans to argue or argue. The plan will be embodied in the IBM Project Debater.

The AI will be equipped with an autonomous debate system. This has been disclosed in a study published in the journal Nature last week. This autonomous debate system can combine coherent and convincing arguments from the content of millions of news articles.

Launching Science Alert, technology is getting more sophisticated, and it makes us fear how bad social media will be if Project Debater is actually released to the public.

Project Debater has grown rapidly since being tested in 2019. At that time, the AI made by IBM was still unable to unify arguments so that they could beat debates with human speeches.

"More than 50 laboratories around the world are developing similar things, including teams at various software companies," wrote Chris Reed of the University of Dundee commenting on the emergence of the human debater AI.

On the other hand, the emergence of AI that can argue with humans in online commentary columns such as on social media will enliven the comments that have been carried out by social media users.

However, if that happens, the bot will continue to serve the heated debate of social media users until they get bored and leave. It will be up to humans, especially social media users, whether they would rather waste hours screaming in a digital void or not.

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