JAKARTA Computers should have good audio quality to support their daily work. If the quality of the Windows computer you use is very poor, you can still overcome it.

There are several ways you can do to improve audio quality while watching, listening to music, having virtual meetings, or playing games. Here are some ways you can do to improve audio quality, reported by How to Geek.

Improve Certain Audio Types

Like devices in general, Windows offers audio refinement by increasing certain types of audio, such as bass or Virtual Surround effects. To set audio quality, you can round the Settings on the device used.

After that, open the System, select the Voice menu, then select the Other Sound Settings. Next, open the Screening tab, right-click on the audio output device, then select Property. Next, click the Improvement tab and select the desired settings by giving a checklist.

Enable Spatial Voices

The next way you can do to improve audio quality is to use spatial sound mode. Some of the latest Windows computers provide Windows Sonic, but the resulting sound is still not good.

If you want to get better quality, you can install Dolby Atmos which requires subscription fees. If you are interested in using Dolby Atmos and have downloaded it, you still need to change the audio format.

Open Sound Settings, then select Speakers. After that, click the Spatial Audio tab, click the drop-down menu, then change the Windows Sonic option for the Headphone to Dolby Atmos for the Headphone.

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