JAKARTA Instagram launched a new ability to increase interaction in Stories. With this new capability, Instagram users can now leave comments on the stories of the users they follow.
Before this feature is launched, interactions in Stories are very limited. Users can only give emoticons as a reaction or leave messages that will enter the Direct Messenger (DM). This interaction is private because only account owners can see it.
By providing a comment field on Instagram, all users can see short interactions in Stories. Users can make comments if the Story they see comes from the account that follows each other. This means that the Storywriter has followed back to the user.
To leave the comment, the user will see a comment icon next to the bar to send a message. Users only need to click on the icon and start typing the comments they want to make. They can also still leave the reaction emoticon as before.
The comments left behind last only 24 hours, such as the duration for Stories. If the user is disturbed by comments in the Story they created, the user can enable or disable comments on Stories that have been shared.
Button Turn Off Comments will be visible if the user clicks on the vertical three-dot icon at the bottom of the Story. Until now, Instagram has not explained whether comments will remain visible in the archive when the duration of the Story has ended.
The feature for leaving comments has already rolled out on Instagram mobile apps for Android and iOS devices. If the user doesn't see this new capability, make sure the application used has been updated via the Play Store or App Store.
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