JAKARTA Gemini has been added to the Gmail app for Android devices since last June, but its capabilities are limited to the summary feature. Now, Google is adding the Tanya Answer feature from Gemini.

The Tanya Answer feature was officially launched on Thursday, August 29. With this feature, Gmail users on Android devices can ask any questions related to emails in the inbox. The function of this feature is not much different from Gemini's side panel on the Gmail website.

"You can ask Gemini questions about your inbox or do things like finding certain details in your email, showing unreaded messages, seeing messages from certain senders, or summarizing emails," Google said.

To ask Gemini a question in the Gmail app for Android devices, users only need to click on the Gemini star icon in the top right corner of the screen. Currently, users can only ask questions about the contents of the email.

"Open Gemini in the Gmail app through the black Gemini star at the top right of your app or from the 'crease of this email' chip. To get started, Ask Gmail Answer can find information from your inbox," Google explained.

Like the launch of another feature from Google, the Tanya Answer feature from Gemini will be launched in a fast release domain and scheduled release for 15 working days. If this feature is not yet visible, users will have to wait until the launch is complete.

Gemini's Answer in Gmail is only available to all Google Workspace subscribers with two add-ons, namely Gemini Business, Company, Education, Premium Education and Google One AI Premium.

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