JAKARTA - In the 27th Global CEO Annual Survey by PwC, it was stated that 57 percent of CEOs in Indonesia hope that GenAI can increase the confidence of stakeholders and 70 percent of respondents estimate that AI will boost business competitiveness in the next three years.

However, although the potential for GenAI is very large, Country Manager, NetApp Indonesia Michael Thiotrisno revealed how actually AI and GenAI have the same potential as the data that is the source.

According to him, in addition to strengthening the underlying Large Language Model (LLM) with a large amount of data, the data must be properly regulated in order to function effectively.

There are many methods to securely store company data sources. However, NetApp recommends the 5W1H method to store the company's data properly. Here is the explanation.


Companies must know when and how often data is collected. Documentation of internal products is created when product releases and updates occur. Customer information is stored in CRM or other systems as needed. In the case of video and audio, files can be created in real time.


According to NetApp, data can be stored in many places. For example, internal product documentation is edited on a local PC and can be stored on a file server or online in the cloud. Customer information is usually stored in a database on site or in the cloud. While videos and audio are often generated on edge and must be collected via the network.


The leading data infrastructure provider company also emphasized the importance of clearly defining ownership of various data. Because, thus, business owners and stakeholders can work together to manage and protect their data.


Data is available in various forms and formats. By understanding the type of data handled, the organization can pre-process and analyze it effectively.


When utilizing data for AI, problems that must be solved must be determined from the start, so that the organization can focus attention on the most relevant data. Measurable numerical targets must also be identified and used to monitor progress over time.


The exact method for data collection should consider the nature and location of the data. For example, file server data collection uses protocols such as NFS or CIFS. Data collection from the database uses exact accounts and database-specific protocols.

"And for real-time data collection, the ability to work with edge devices is very important," Michael concluded.

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