JAKARTA - Instagram presents a new feature that allows users to save stories as drafts. The presence of this feature can help users to save these posts in draft Instagram.

Quoting the Ubergizmo page, Friday, March 26, developer Alessandro Paluzzi through his Twitter account shared a number of screenshots showing the stories storage column. Including if the post is archived.

Through this feature, users can also review Instagram stories posts. Includes notifications for Discard Media or save them to the device in use.

Keep in mind, however, that the screenshots shared by Paluzzi are still under development and are still part of limited testing. It could be that the UI of the draft stories might be different when it is released later.

While Instagram says that this feature is still in the process of being developed. This news is known to have leaked in cyberspace. A screenshot shows that Instagram is working on a new pop-up that will show users several options.

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