JAKARTA There are many computers that use Windows systems with different specifications. If the Windows device you are using is old enough, you may forget that RAM or system memory is a very important part of the computer and should be noticed before downloading a heavy application or installing a software update. If you forget how your device's RAM is, here's how to find it out, reported from How to Geek. Check RAM Through Information Settings on RAM is definitely in the computer. You only need to open Settings by clicking Windows buttons and 'i' letters on the keyboard. After settings are open, click the System menu on the left-hand front. Next, click the About menu, then click the arrow that leads down in the Device Specification section. Once a row of information appears, you can directly see how much RAM is installed on the device. In this information display, you will also see the type of processor used up to the system type. If you want to copy all the information that is displayed, you just need to click the Copy button next to the arrow up.

Checking RAM Speed The device's information display in Settings will not display the RAM speed of your device. You must open the Task Manager app by right-clicking on the Start button, then selecting Task Manager in the menu. After that, click the Performance button on the left sidebar and select the Memory option. When clicked, the screen will display the total PC RAM capacity and status that displays RAM speed and how much RAM you already use.

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