JAKARTA - Tech giant Apple has removed several VPN applications from the App Store in Russia, at the request of Russian state government communications supervisor Roskomnadzor.

Based on information from the Russian news agency Interfax, Apple has removed at least 25 VPNs from the country's App Store.

Hal ini juga disampaikan langsung oleh salah satu perusahaan VPN Rusia yaitu Red Shield, yang mengatakan bahwa aplikasi mereka akan dihapus oleh Apple, sesuai dengan permintaan Roskomnadzor.

Apple, at Roskomnadzor's request, removed the Red Shield VPN app from the Russian App Store. We know there is at least one other VPN application that was deleted along with our app," the company wrote on X.

Another source, who claims to know several illegal application developers, gave TechCrunch the same letter.

However, the letter did not provide specific reasons for the abolition of the application, but confirmed that the request for the removal of Roskomnadzor was permitted by certain articles under Russian federal law.

Applications must comply with all legal requirements at any location you provide them (if you're not sure, ask the lawyer). We know this is complicated, but you are responsible for understanding and ensuring your app complies with all local laws," the company continued.

Although this application has been removed from the Russian App Store, the app is still available on the App Store for other regions you selected on the App Store Connect.

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