JAKARTA Verge Aero, the organizer of the drone show, made a new history by holding the first fireworks drone show in the US. The event was held in downtown Austin, Texas. The fireworks drone exhibited by Verge Aero is a form of celebration of Texas Longhorns' participation, the football athletic team from the University of Texas, at the Southeastern Conference (SEC). The drone show was held on the first day. In organizing this show, Verge Aero collaborated with the University of Texas. The company managed to create a stunning spectacle by flying 400 drones on the sky and 90 of them carried fireworks. From a short video shared on YouTube, Verge Aero flew hundreds of luminous drones and made bull-headed shapes, a representation of Texas Longhorns. Ten seconds later, the surrounding drones emitted fireworks.

Setelah memperlihatkan kepala banteng yang menyala dan dikelilingi api, Verge Aero mematikan lampu di seluruh drone dan menyisakan api dari beberapa drone. Perusahaan itu tidak membuat bentuk hewan atau objek lainnya. Sebelum mengadakan pertunjukan ini, Verge Aero menghadapi masalah regulasi karena membutuhkan persetujuan dari Badan Penerbangan Federal (FAA). Aturan FAA sangat ketat terhadap drone yang membawa kembang api. Verge Aero tidak menjelaskan persyaratan seperti apa yang harus mereka lakukan sebelum meluncurkan ratusan drone tersebut. Melihat besarnya komitmen Verge Aero terhadap keselamatan penontonnya, FAA akhirnya bersedia memberikan izin.

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