JAKARTA Gmail for Android devices and iOS has launched the Gemini-backed Email Summary feature at the end of June. Although it has been launched, this feature is not available to the rest of users. When it was first released, Google said that the launch of this feature took several weeks. Now, the feature has been widely released and can be accessed by all Gemini and Google One AI Premium package subscribers. Reporting from 9to5google, the Summary feature will not appear in an email containing only one alignment. Apparently, Google assumes that the Artificial Intelligence-based feature (AI) will be useful in email with long content. The Email Summary Button is placed at the bottom of the email title. Once tapped, Gemini will appear and provide important points. This AI model takes one second to summarize the email, even in less extended messages. After Gemini has provided an answer, users cannot give any advanced commands because there is no Request bar here. If users want to ask questions about the email received, they can use the Tanya Answer Gmail feature.

Gemini will appear in pop-up form when the Email save button is clicked. Users can adjust the length of their window, or bring up Gemini in full window, by controlling the handle button at the top of the window. Users only need to press the button, then pull the button to the top of the screen. After that, Gemini will appear in full window form. To shrink the window, the user can pull the handle button down.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)