Cloudflare has just launched new "easy tools" to block all AI (Artificial Intelligence) bots, and is available to all customers, including those who subscribe to free packages.

We clearly heard that customers don't want AI bots to visit their websites. To help, we have added a new one-click feature to block all AI bots," the company wrote in its blog.

Not only Cloudflare, the current popularity of AI is also making many AI companies train models to identify AI bots on their webs.

To enable it, simply navigate to the Security > Bot section on the Cloudflare dashboard, then click the button labeled AIsamapers and Crawlers.

The company also said it would update the AI bot blocking technology automatically over time and the increasingly sophisticated AI.

This feature will be automatically updated over time as we look at new fingerprints of violating bots that we identify as bots that do a lot of web screening for model training, "they continued.

Last year, Cloudflare also announced the ability for customers to easily block well-behaved AI bots.

These bots follow robots.txt, and do not use unlicensed content to train their models or run inference for RAG apps using website data.

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