JAKARTA Spotify continues to gain enhanced features related to music and entertainment. However, unlike usual, Spotify is testing an emergency warning system in its home country, Sweden. This under development warning system will distribute public announcements related to various important phenomena. Through this feature, Spotify will notify users if there is an accident, a very serious event, and an important service disruption. To TechCrunch, Spotify confirmed that this warning system is being tested in Sweden. Apparently, Spotify wants to make its platform a supporter of an emergency warning system that can interrupt its users' music playback. Spotify said that they often test features on the music streaming platform. Sometimes, the tested features don't add user experience, but provide important support such as an emergency warning system. "We routinely carry out a number of tests in an effort to improve user experience," Spotify said. "Some of these tests eventually pave the way for our wider user experience while most of them only serve as important learning."

It is not yet known when this feature will be launched in Sweden. Spotify also did not explain whether this emergency warning system would be extended to more countries. Most likely, Spotify is only focused on Sweden for now. Based on code references found in the Spotify app, the emergency warning system will include some of the following features and menus.

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