JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Communication and Information targeted 18 public services affected by ransomware at the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2 to recover by the end of June.

This statement was delivered directly by the Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Usman Kansong on Wednesday, June 26 at the Kominfo office, Jakarta.

"We hope that every day there will be tenants and Ministries and Institutions whose services are recovering, by the end of this month we are targeting 18 tenants to recover," said Usman.

Until now, there have been five public services that have returned to operation, including immigration services, LKPP services called Attitudes, event licensing services from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Kediri City Digital ASN services, and also SiHalal services.

However, the target of restoring services to 18 agencies is a short-term target, while waiting for the digital forensic investigation process by the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

"We have a short term, that's a short-term target. We don't know the long-term. But what we want is as soon as possible. The sooner the better," concluded Usman.

Reportedly, not only Indonesia was targeted for ransomware attacks, because of The Federal Reserve (The Fed) system, the United States central bank was also successfully broken into by the Lockbit 3.0 ransomware group.

Because this ransomware issue has become a global problem, Usman said that the Indonesian government has not coordinated with other countries in this ransomware case.

"Yes, the Fed has been hit, I don't know (global communication), we haven't coordinated yet. Indeed, now is the season starting, yes, usually there is an attack season. I don't know," he said.

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