JAKARTA - The White House, re-signed Carole House, a cybersecurity expert who has extensive experience in the world of technology and finance. Previously, House played an important role in the development of US President Joe Biden's Executive Order on Digital Asset Responsibility Development. Now, he serves as a Special Advisor to Cybersecurity Policy and Critical Infrastructure at the National Security Council.

Quoted from Bitcoin.com News, Carole House, which previously served in the US Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), announced its appointment via uploads on LinkedIn on Monday.

"I feel very honored, humble, and excited to return to serve the government under the Biden administration, this time as a Special Advisor to Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Policies at the National Security Council of the White House!" he wrote.

Previously, House was an Army Captain who later worked at FinCEN, where he led policies related to cybersecurity, digital assets, and new technologies. In February, he testified before the US House Financial Services Committee as a Senior Fellow Nonresident at the Atlantic Council and Chair of the Committee for Technology Advisors from the Commodity Futures Trade Commission (CFTC).


In the congressional hearing, House highlighted the benefits of crypto assets such as peer-to-peer transfers and reduced transaction fees, but also stressed the significant risks it poses, including use in ransomware attacks, North Korea cybercrimes, and various fraudulent schemes.

He called for increased regulatory measures and international cooperation to address this risk. House also suggested that compliance features be built into a decentralized financial system (defi), fund regulatory agencies, promote international action, improve public-private partnerships, and develop secure digital identity infrastructure.

Recently, House served as Executive at Residence at Terranet Ventures, a venture capital firm focused on investing in the cybersecurity sector, blockchain, digital assets, and other information technologies both in the US and internationally. In addition, he also sits on the Advisory Board for Digital Dollar Projects.

"Most of my career was at the crossroads between national security, new technology and finance," he told lawmakers at a congressional hearing last February.

In his LinkedIn upload, House also said, "Honorable to have been recalled to serve the essential missions needed to establish a secure and trustworthy digital economy future; humble by the opportunity to once again serve among and support the world's most elite national security community; and excited to mobilize some extraordinary efforts in the nation's security and competitive services with extraordinary inter-institutional collaborations."

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