The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) is still trying to restore interference at the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2. This effort has been carried out since Thursday, June 20. After disruptions occurred at PDNS, Kominfo acknowledged that several public services were experiencing disruptions. One of the services that was hampered was the Immigration Management Information System at the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. With ongoing recovery efforts, Immigration services such as passports, visas, residence permits, and crossings can already be reused. Immigration services through autogates at Soekarno-Hatta Airport have also been operating in stages. However, autogate services at other airports are still problematic so that Kominfo continues to seek to recover them. As long as improvements are made, the immigration process will use a combination service by utilizing manual verification. Kominfo, in its statement, said that the recovery process was carried out quickly while still paying attention to the security aspect. "(we) continue to pay attention to the aspect of caution and prioritize public interests or service users."

Kominfo juga mempercepat pemulihan melalui kolaborasi dengan PT Telkom selaku penyelenggara pusat data. Lembaga negara ini juga berkolaborasi dengan Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN), Polri, dan kementerian atau lembaga terkait. Khusus untuk perbaikan di layanan keimigrasian, Kominfo bekerja sama dengan Ditjen Imigrasi, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Melalui kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak ini, PDNS 2 diharapkan bisa beroperasi kembali dalam waktu dekat.

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