YOGYAKARTA The Koran implicitly explains how to make a person find success. This method can be applied to everyday life. Interestingly, again, how to achieve success can be done by all Muslims so that it is not difficult to implement it.

The way to achieve success according to Alqurat is stated in several letters. Here are the ways that can be done.

Success can be achieved by having knowledge first. The knowledge sought is not only obtained through formal education, but from other sources. This is as explained in QS Al Alaq verse 5 which means as follows.

He teaches humans what he doesn't know.

There will be no change for a bag that can be achieved if that person does not change from oneself. Changes in kindness certainly refer to success that is not limited by matter alone. This method is as stated in QS Ar Rad verse 11 which means as follows.

'God will not change the fate of a people until it is the people themselves who change the conditions that exist with them.'

Islam through the Koran always emphasizes that they offer prayers every time they try. Prayers are also a form of human piety to Allah SWT. The prayer order is mentioned in Al-Baqarah verse 186 which means as follows.

'Then beg Me.'

Alms are closely related to the attitude of sharing with others. Al alms are not only in the form of material, but non-matter. The recommendation for charity is contained in QS Al Baqarah verse 261 which means as follows.

The example of a person who waives his wealth in the way of Allah (equivalence) is similar to a seed that grows seven pieces of news, in each of you is one hundred seeds. Allah doubled the reward for whom He wanted. And Allah is the Most vast gift of He is Knowing."

Bersykur is the key to a person being happy, while happiness is a sign of success. Attitudes are always grateful to need to be trained to always be happy. Anjuran is grateful to be contained in QS Ibrahim verse 7 which means as follows.

If you're grateful I'll be more delicious for you.

Success is part of the sustenance that has been regulated by Allah SWT. Sustenance can be achieved by way of taqwa. This is as stated in QS Ath Thalaaq: 2 which means the following.

"Whoever prays to Allah will surely make a way out and sustenance from an unexpected direction."

Intention to pursue success is because of Allah. In Islam, intention does have an important role. On the other hand, the intention that is based on Allah will bring blessings. This recommendation is as explained in QS An Nahl verse 97 which means as follows.

"Whoever does good deeds in a state of faith, then we will give him a good life and a far better reward than what brands do."

Those are some ways to become successful according to the Koran. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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