JAKARTA Apple released the latest version of the Cut Pro Final, professional video editing software, on Friday, June 21. This feature gets some updates and is finally available on devices other than Macs. In its official statement, Apple says that it has launched the Final Cut Pro version 10.8 with a more efficient and Artificial Intelligence-based workflow (AI). This application is also available on iPad 2 and can be downloaded on the Apple Store. In this latest version, users can do the rendering up to twice as fast and can stream ProRes RAW up to four times as much. In terms of flexibility, Cut Pro Finals get larger storage. "Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 now supports external projects, the most requested features. Users can create new projects or open projects that already exist without using internal storage space," Apple said. Especially for the iPad, users can run the Final Cut Pro application while using the latest Apple Pencil Pro. iPad users can also take advantage of scrolling to control the Live Drawing tool and press it to pull the brush. Apple also updates the Live Multicam feature that allows users to connect wirelessly and see four cameras at once. This video editing application also gets improvements in light, color, and slow motion.

"Increase Light and Color automatically adjusts the video to color corrections, while Smooth Slo-Mo cleverly combines video frames for the highest quality motions," Apple explained. For older users, Final Cut Pro updates for iPad 2 and Mac 10.8 are available and can be downloaded for free. For new users, they have to subscribe 4.99 US dollars (Rp 82 thousand) per month or 49 US dollars (Rp806 thousand) per year.

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