JAKARTA - A recent research from Accenture conducted on the four largest economies in Asia Pacific, including Australia, China, India, and Japan revealed the benefits of using AI Generatively.

Based on this report, the composition of jobs that seized as much as 33 percent of the time from employees in Asia Pacific will be replaced by a generalized AI to be optimized, thus resulting in increased productivity.

Working hours in Australia and Japan will be the most affected, 45 percent and 44 percent, respectively, followed by China at 33 percent, and India at 31 percent.

Not only that, 96 percent of business leaders and companies in Asia Pacific acknowledged the significant impact of generative AI, and 91 percent of workers in Asia Pacific showed their interest in acquiring new skills to work with generative AI.

But unfortunately, given the potential of a Generative AI in a business or organization, the Accenture report states that only 4 percent of business leaders have held a large-scale generative AI training.

In addition, 89 percent of companies in Asia Pacific plan to increase their spending on a generative AI technology investment this year, but only 35 percent prioritize investment in their workforce development.

Generative AI has accelerated the rate of data and the AI-based business revolution process. However, to take full advantage of this potential, company leaders need to look at AI more than just a tool to redesign the process and encourage cost efficiency, said Leo Framil, CEO of Growth Markets at Accenture.

According to Leo, genreative AI needs to be seen as an opportunity to create added value for businesses, individuals, and society.

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