JAKARTA Any laptops, including MacBooks, should be cleaned regularly so that their devices can live long. However, you should not use the wrong tools in cleaning MacBooks. In its massive era of using social media at this time, you may find misinformation on how to clean your MacBook. Here are some tools that you shouldn't use to clean MacBooks, quoted from Makeuseof. Using the Largest Alcohol-Based Flows of Errors while cleaning MacBooks are using solutions that have alcohol like nail polish removers. Although Apple advises users to use 70 percent alcohol isoprodic solutions, you can't use alcohol carelessly. Initially, the alcohol you buy may work well in removing dirt. However, over time your MacBook color will fade in some places because ordinary alcohol can cause corrosion in aluminum. Therefore, make sure you only use isoprodic rules, in accordance with MacBook provisions. You also have to use humid and hairless microfiber fabrics so that MacBook can be cleaned easily.

Using a Tisu or Any Cloth While you're eating around a MacBook and dropping the remaining food accidentally, you may be too lazy to wake up and look for a microfiber cloth. Usually, when this happens, the alternative is to use a regular tissue or cloth. If your device doesn't have a problem, you may be lucky. However, some people realize that the cleaned part will leave microstares or fiber residues. Therefore, never use regular tissues and cloth.

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