YOGYAKARTA - Finally, after several years of developing SpaceX, Tesla CEO Elon Musk launched Starlink in 2021. Want to know what is the difference in the quality of the Starlink internet and optical fiber?

Starlink is a satellite-based internet network service that is claimed to be able to reach remote areas. Starlink has carried out beta testing and rolled out to be commercial globally by the end of 2021. According to reports and beta testers, upgrades to Starlink's internet connection may be equivalent to the best internet connection currently available.

Starlink is a satellite-based internet service. But unlike traditional satellite internet services, Starlink promises high-speed internet speed, not just in urban areas, especially in the most remote corners around the world. Of course this will be a solution for residents in areas where it is difficult to gain stable internet access.

It is planned that the Starlink satellite network will be supported by Constellation of 30 thousand small and fast satellites spread throughout the world. Compare with the number of satellites orbiting the earth today which is only 2 thousand. This number will provide an overview of how much Starlink's internet connection will be.

The comparison that makes the Starlink satellite internet better than traditional satellite internet is that all of its satellites are located in low earth orbit. The satellite is located just above 300 miles above Earth, while other traditional satellites are located 22 thousand miles above Earth. This difference in altitude will bring certain benefits to users, a kind of better satellite internet speed and much lower latency.

Latency is the time required by internet signals to travel round and round from the device to the server and back. Latency or ping are measured in milliseconds (ms). The lower the latency, the better the internet connection.

Meanwhile, the internet fiber is one of the most wealthy broadband connections, before the Starlink appearance. The fiber optic internet is sent to users with the support of flexible small glass strands. In contrast to the cable internet that uses copper cables to channel internet connections.

Fiber cables send an internet connection via light pulses which makes it the fastest internet connection available. The internet fiber speed is able to transfer data as fast as the speed of light" with speeds reaching up to 1 GBPS. The advantage of fiber internet is fiber optic cables located underground, thereby reducing the risk of external disturbances such as electrical storms, weather changes, and more.

The fiber optic internet connection is known as the fastest internet connection in the world today. But it looks like the fiber internet will soon lose the fastest internet connection title because low-orbit satellites, Starlink also promises an average internet speed of 1 GBPS and promises the lowest latency rate to date.

The latency rate of the fiber internet connection is about 17 ms which is slightly faster than the cable internet (25-30 ms). Starlink on the other hand is expected to launch its internet latency below 20 ms and the conclusion is below 10 ms. If the prediction is true, the Starlink internet will be named the fastest internet connection according to the bandwidth and latency offered. Although the majority of people will not care about the difference between 17 md& 10 md, but for gamers, it will make a lot of difference.

Although almost without an opponent, apparently 'Starlink Is Still A Polemic, Cybersecurity Experts Highlight Potential Threats That Will Appear'.

So after knowing the difference in internet quality, Starlink and fiber optics, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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