JAKARTA - From January to December 2023, Kaspersky has detected and blocked more than 13 million web threats from its security solutions to businesses in Southeast Asia (SEA).

Historical data from this global cybersecurity company reveals a 31 percent spike compared to the number detected in 2020.

Thus, every day, cybercriminals launch an average of 36,552 online attacks targeting businesses in the region last year.

Regardless of the purpose or cause, the consequences of the web threat can harm individuals and organizations.

In addition, Kaspersky also found where threat actors targeting businesses in the Philippines increased 243 percent more in 2023 compared to 2022 (from 492,567 to 1,691,167).

Companies in Singapore also face 86 percent more web threats than last year (from 889,093 to 1,653,726). Meanwhile, Thailand experienced a smaller but still significant increase of 24 percent (from 1,232,311 to 1,531,430).

Meanwhile, Indonesia itself Kaspersky saw a decrease in the number of web-based threats from 6.418.588 threats in 2022 to 4.968.729 threats in 2023.

When most governments in the region build and improve policies to boost the digital economy and infrastructure, local businesses should prioritize cyber defense against threats lurking in cyberspace that risk hampering their efforts in the use of digitalization, said Yeo Siang Tiong, General Manager of Southeast Asia at Kaspersky.

Yeo said that in 2024, companies should be able to take one step further in their cybersecurity. The era where the basic firewall and endpoint solution alone have been passed for quite a long time.

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