JAKARTA - Unit 42 of the Palo Alto Networks recently released a cybersecurity report titled Ransomware Retrospective 2024: Unit 42 Leak Site Analysis and 2024 Incident Response Report.

The report reveals that although phishing has historically been a popular tactic among cybercriminals, this cyberattack tactic has fallen in 2023.

Palo Alto Networks experts say this decline is due to cybercriminals adapting using infiltration methods with more up-to-date and efficient technology.

Another finding of this report is that the perpetrators of cyber threats never look down on the hair as they carry out their actions.

This is evident from 93 percent of cases, threat actors tend to steal data randomly rather than look for specific data.

This figure is increasing from 2022, where there are 81 percent of cases involving data theft taken not based on certain targets.

Even in 2021, the figure is even lower, which is 67 percent.

Palo Alto Networks said that this shows a growing trend among cybercriminals, where they begin to spread nets with a wider reach, such as collecting any data they can access, instead of trying to find and exploit certain data sets.

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