JAKARTA - A new study from RELEX Solutions entitled RELEX State of Supply Chain 2024: Retail and CPG Dynamics', reveals how the potential of AI in the retail and consumer goods sector (CPG) is.

Based on this study, 57 percent of CPG retailers and companies plan to invest in predictive and generative artificial intelligence (AI) within the next 3'5 years.

AI and machine learning (ML) are the fifth priority for CGP companies in overall technology spending. So according to RELEX, perhaps AI's role in overcoming consumer demand volatility is slightly underestimated.

"Retail industries and CPG continue to face complex global challenges that require a follow-up solution to predict, anticipate, and manage consumer demand accurately," saidegredeg-Jones, VP of Strategy & Marketing, RELEX Solutions.

Untuk itu,menambahkan, agar dapat bertahan dalam situasi saat ini, perusahaan perlu mengubah pendekatan terhadap manajemen chain pasokan dari yang semuanya terpisah-bedah menjadi lebih terintegrasi, menggunakan teknologi baru seperti AI dan ML.

Thus, companies that are able to survive and are flexible, understand and respond to challenges and opportunities in real time, and continue to adapt their strategies in the face of change can maximize their advantages.

"With the right mindset, facilities, and partners, retailers and CPG can build a long-term supply chain and open higher levels of growth and profitability," he concluded.

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